Mad About Memes


It's Bill Murray as John Winger from the classic Stripes, introducing himself to the rest of the platoon.

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Trending Winger Memes

I am the acorn that becomes the oak Chicks dig me because I rarely wear underwear  I think it sucks  These bitches think I'm stupid, I ain't stupid  Dummy boys fall in love with it, he stupid

Newest Winger Memes

 These bitches think I'm stupid, I ain't stupid  Dummy boys fall in love with it, he stupid I am the acorn that becomes the oak  I think it sucks Chicks dig me because I rarely wear underwear

More Winger Memes

Chicks dig me because I rarely wear underwear  These bitches think I'm stupid, I ain't stupid  Dummy boys fall in love with it, he stupid  I think it sucks I am the acorn that becomes the oak

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