Mad About Memes

Mad About Memes

Welcome to Mad About Memes! Mad About Memes is a free meme hosting and generating service from Ape Apps, LLC. Browse through our wide collection of memes and characters, or upload and create new characters of your own! We host all memes for you without watermark, so feel free to use them on your own websites, forums, and blogs. Please just link back to the site in return!

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There isn't any food there is just a bunch of ingredients to make food Snap back to reality Oh, there goes gravity Oh, there goes Rabbit, he choked He's so mad, but he won't give up that easy, no He won't have it, he knows His whole back's to these ropes It don't matter, he's dope He knows that, but he's broke He's so stagnant, he knows buys mail order bride friendzoned by the way i still jerked off on zoom His palms are sweaty Knees weak, arms are heavy There's vomit on his sweater already, mom's spaghetti He's nervous, but on the surface he looks calm and ready To drop bombs But he keeps on forgetting what he wrote down The whole crowd goes so loud He opens his mouth, but the words won't come out He's choking how, everybody's joking now The clock's run out, time's up, over, bloah! I'm not saying it was aliens but it was aliens You can't eat all that candy You underestimate my power  Quit jerking me around

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when mom comes home with pop tarts chocolate flavored Poopy fart dick That felling when knee surgery is in two days hiiiii Even the unsinkable can sink. Life offers no guarantees, and tomorrow isn't promised. Live today with purpose, cherish those who matter, and keep your dreams afloat. I don't always print on paper these days but when i do I love my premium paper tak urcite  yOU SUCK ASS and you're stupid Well the dinner menu did say All you can eat guaranteed fresh seafood

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Let's leave Skype on so we can watch each other sleep Don’t forget I jerked off on a zoom call Survey says I’m dead!  I tell a nigga don't dick ride, don't blick ride Leave it to the double thick thighs, twin sisters Are U Serious Yeah Zoowee blubberworth  zoom may not be the best platform Why the fuck is leather so expensive? If actions are stronger than words, why is the pen mightier than the sword?  YOU n'WAH Say hello to... water melon dog Oooh Your Gonna Tell Me Who Ate All The Capt. Crunch With Crunchberries? Finally loses virginity In jail Chicks dig me because I rarely wear underwear rubs hands with hand sanitizer killed by the 0.01% of germs